RES sends in Lidars for Australian wind development (client release)

13 February 2019: Local engineering consultancy Energy3 delivers ZX Lidars to wind farm developer for wind resource campaigns  RES (Renewable Energy Systems), a leader in the development, engineering, and construction of wind, solar, transmission, and energy storage projects globally has confirmed that a fleet of Lidars have been deployed in Australia in support of wind […]

Sulzer Schmid’s launches new drone-based blade inspections technology (Client Press Release)

Zurich, Switzerland, 06 February 2019 – Sulzer & Schmid Laboratories AG, a Swiss company pioneering next-generation technology for the inspection of wind turbine rotor blades, announced today that it has launched a new highly competitive inspection platform. The company’s new 3DX™ HD product has been developed as a cost-effective solution to cope with large volumes […]

Lidar lights up wind opportunities for Tilt in Australia (CLIENT PRESS RELEASE)

17 January 2019: Lidars are supporting Melbourne-based Tilt Renewables in pursuit of new development sites specifically in complex terrain. “We tilt towards Lidar for our monitoring fleet due to the ability to measure wind resource accurately in complex terrain conditions.” – Tilt Renewables Tilt Renewables, a leading developer, owner and manager of renewable energy generation […]

Supply chain holistic approach to offshore wind LCoE competitiveness (CLIENT EDITORIAL)

Zero-subsidy offshore wind projects awarded in Germany and the Netherlands this year have raised high expectations worldwide. However, although these are significant competitiveness milestones, they are still bound to particular market characteristics that made them possible. What is clear is that if development, construction, and financial risks are mitigated, technology developments can help bridge the […]

DNV GL certifies Ingeteam’s 2MW DFIG converter (CLIENT PRESS RELEASE)

Ingeteam, the world-leading supplier of electrical conversion equipment, announced today that it received DNV GL’s certification for its Ingecon®Wind stator-equipped 2MW DFIG converter. With this latest achievement, Ingeteam completes the range of its products covered under DNV GL certification, such as the medium voltage full power converters and the statorless DFIG converters; and demonstrates its […]

DNV GL certifica el convertidor 2MW DFIG de Ingeteam (CLIENT PRESS RELEASE)

España, 6 de noviembre de 2018. Ingeteam, el principal proveedor mundial de equipos de conversión eléctrica, ha anunciado hoy que ha recibido la certificación de DNV GL por su convertidor Ingecon® Wind 2MW DFIG equipado con un estátor. Con este último logro, Ingeteam completa la gama de productos cubiertos por la certificación DNV GL, como los convertidores FC […]

Developing Europe’s largest dedicated Wind Lidar Production Centre (CLIENT EDITORIAL)

Introduction: Scaling Up for Manufacturing Success ZX Lidars is a UK-based company, which delivers remote wind-sensing devices – known as Lidar. Since releasing the first commercial wind Lidar 15 years ago, ZX Lidars’ measurement systems have been used in 80 countries worldwide. In response to the continued, increasing demand for more accurate wind measurements in […]

NRG 收购 Pentalum 直接探测激光雷达技术,并授权浦芮斯在中国独家销售和服务 (CLIENT PRESS RELEASE)

海恩斯堡,佛蒙特州,美国 – NRG是ESCO公司(纽约证券交易所简称:ESE)旗下子公司,今天宣布已收购以色列公司Pentalum的一系列先进技术。Pentalum公司成立于2009年,开创性地研发了低成本激光雷达技术,并将其应用于全球风资源勘探、风电场运营、预测以及科研市场。NRG在35年前就给风资源测量领域带来了革命,迄今所有工作仍处处彰显其创新传统。他们专注于设计并生产智能技术,以图营造一个可持续发展的星球,这意味着更多的可再生能源、更洁净的空气和更安全的环境。在全球170多个国家,处处可见他们的测量系统、风车控制传感器和激光雷达。希望获得NRG更多信息,请访问:    联系Alesia PR Agency for china – 公关机构欧洲 – 能源传播与营销公司 – 可再生能源营销美国

NRG Systems Displays Forgotten Carter Administration Solar Panel (CLIENT PRESS RELEASE)

NRG Systems, Inc., a designer and manufacturer of smart technologies for a range of wind, solar, and meteorological applications, has put a once forgotten solar-thermal panel from the Carter Administration on display at its Vermont headquarters. The panel was part of a roof-mounted, 32-panel array used to heat water for the White House from 1979 […]

Ingeteam’s new Indian wind converter factory becomes the first-ever facility to receive DNV GL’s shop approval certification in India (CLIENT PRESS RELEASE)

Ingeteam, an independent global supplier of electrical conversion equipment, announced today that it received DNV GL’s “Shop Approval in Renewable Energy” certification for the wind converter manufacturing facility recently established by the company in the Tamil Nadu region. Ingeteam’s new facility is the first-ever wind converter factory to receive such a certificate in India. DNV […]

REDEN Solar refinance ses actifs ibériques pour 100.5M€ (CLIENT PRESS RELEASE)

REDEN Solar annonce le succès de son opération de refinancement de ses actifs Portugais et Espagnols pour une levée totale de 100,5M€. Cette opération prend la forme d’un financement sans recours d’une durée de 14 ans arrangé par Natixis S.A. Sucursal en España. Elle restructure 13 emprunts historiques contractés auprès de 5 banques et concerne […]

NRG Systems Acquires Lidar Technology Developed by Pentalum (CLIENT PRESS RELEASE)

Hinesburg, VT, USA, September 10, 2018. NRG Systems, a subsidiary of ESCO Technologies Inc. (NYSE: ESE), today announced that it has acquired a portfolio of advanced technology developed by Pentalum, an Israeli company that specialized in remote sensing solutions for wind measurement. Founded in 2009, Pentalum pioneered low-cost Lidar solutions that have been deployed by […]

ensibo setzt auf die innovative O&M-Software von QOS Energy für die Optimierung der Betriebsführung eines 120 MWp PV-Portfolios (CLIENT PRESS RELEASE)

ensibo, ein in Hamburg ansässiger Solar-O&M-Dienstleister, hat sich für die Qantum®-Software von QOS Energy entschieden um die Betriebsführung eines 120 MWp Solar-Portfolios zu optimieren. Qantum® ist eine innovative Cloud Analytics Plattform, die durch flexible Aggregation und Analyse der Rohdatenströme eine effiziente Anlagen-überwachung ermöglicht. ensibo ist ein unabhängiger Anbieter von O&M-Dienstleistungen für Solarkraftwerke und betreibt eine […]

ensibo adopts QOS Energy’s innovative O&M software to streamline management of 120 MW PV portfolio (CLIENT PRESS RELEASE)

Nantes, France, 10 September 2018. ensibo, a German-based solar O&M service provider, has chosen QOS Energy’s Qantum® software to streamline the management of the 120 MW solar PV portfolio under its care. Qantum® is an innovative cloud analytics platform that enables the efficient aggregation and analysis of raw data streams generated by ensibo’s plants.  ensibo […]

Ingeteam desarrolla una nueva arquitectura de convertidores para aerogeneradores offshore basada en un estudio exhaustivo de optimización del LCoE (CLIENT PRESS RELEASE)

España, 05 de septiembre de 2018. Ingeteam, proveedor global e independiente de equipos de conversión eléctrica y controladores de aerogeneradores, ha anunciado hoy que un reciente estudio interno de I+D le ha posibilitado elaborar diseños óptimos de conversión de energía eléctrica para aerogeneradores offshore de hasta 15 MW. La investigación, que ha tenido en cuenta […]