Benefits of outsourcing
Get the expertise without the overhead!

In the crowded and fluctuating international renewable energy markets, smart businesses understand that their ability to get well-known at a reasonable cost will be a key factor of success.
But when budgets are tight, adding in-house staff doesn’t always make sense for companies. Hiring an experienced renewable energy PR and marketing manager full time is very expensive, especially if you don't need him/her full time, or only temporarily.
Outsourcing your PR and marketing activities is a very cost-efficient way to boost your PR activities, whilst keeping your overhead costs under control. Using Alesia Communications will give you access to additional and flexible resources, outstanding expertise, and fresh focus at a fraction of the cost of hiring full time personnel.
Alesia will get you the expertise that you need, exactly when you require it, and for only as long as you need it!
Do you really need an agency?
If you answer YES to 5 or more questions below, then give us a call. We’re here to help.
- When you send out your press release, you email it to your two-digit media contact list and pray that it's picked up.
- There are so many magazines and events out there that you don’t know which are:
- The best fit for your business
- The best value for money
- You don’t have enough contacts among the media, trade associations and event organisers.
- You have a limited PR and Marketing budget but are not sure how to increase your brand visibility across global markets to generate new business.
- You are unable to assess the return on investment of your marketing spend
- But you have been running the same advert for over 18 months.
- Your media content comes from multiple sources with no clear “tone of voice” or editorial identity
- Your website hasn’t been updated for months and the content is out of date.
- You need to increase traffic to your website but the last time you looked at your Google analytics report was over 2 years ago.
- In fact, you are not sure what Google analytics, SEO and PPC are.
If most of these statements are true for you, contact us now, we can add value to your business.
If you answer NO to any of the questions below, then give us a call. We’re here to help.
- Your agency asks the right questions and presents convincing solutions.
- Your agency has a dense, active and proven network of contacts among your industry media, trade bodies and event organisers.
- Your agency has learned about your business and is familiar with your competitors and competing technologies.
- Your agency is up to date with the latest industry news and potential impact for your business.
- Your agency knows the difference between FiTs and Fitness.
- Your agency is proactive, responsive and resourceful
If you have more than one ‘No’, you will certainly benefit from switching to us.
Alesia is recognised as a genuine leader in the PR § Marketing ecosystem of the global renewable energy sector .